

Page history last edited by xuan wang 11 years, 10 months ago

Please NOTE that this documentation will NOT be updated anymore. Please see our new Developer Documentation Site for the latest updates!



Please read Layar Vision Index to know about Layar Vision 


Welcome to the Layar Developer Wiki!




  • Sign up to be a layer developer at layar website (http://www.layar.com/).
  • Read API Documentation in the sidebar to get familiar with API technical details.
  • Create your layer on the publishing site.
  • Check Tutorials to see how to build a simple layer. 
  • Need some help? Please visit our developer support environment. Login with your layar account, you can immediately start creating topics, discuss your issues with other developers and with the Layar staff. We're actively monitoring this group.
  • Request publication when you've finished developing your layer and feel ready. Publication is free of charge! The review process may take up to 5 working days. Once the review is done, you'll receive feedback about it. If your layer is approved, press the publish button to get it live.
  • If you have any feature request, we now have a feature request forum available in the developer support environment. Feature requests will be discussed regularly. You will also see Layar feedback once a decision is made to your request. 





22/12/2011: Updated the public IP range of Layar server. Please check out API structure .

15/12/2011: Updated the documentation of Layar Publishing API (Layar Connect) v2.0.

08/12/2011: Added more guidelines and instructions on how to use the Layar Vision Search logo for your vision layer.

05/12/2011: Added a step by step tutorial on how to integrate iPhone Player SDK into a simple iPhone app.

16/11/2011: Released 3d model converter v3.0.1 with bug fixes and updated command line tool. Please see here for the release note.

11/11/2011: Fixed and improved the Tutorial sample codes. Please download them again if you encounter issues while playing with the sample code.

11/11/2011: Updated the Layar Vision logos, please use these to indicate Layar Vision usage on target objects, such as posters, magazines, etc.

03/11/2011: Added an FAQ to Layar Vision FAQ list regarding vision pricing for non-profit projects.

02/11/2011: Added a new page which explains Opacity, Blending and Shader features in the 3D Model Converter.

24/10/2011: Updated the ip range of layar service.

20/10/2011: Released 3d model converter v3.0. Please check here to see what's new in this version.

06/10/2011: Updated the getPOIs request list and added a new parameter "recognizedReferenceImage" for layar vision beta 2.0 build.

21/09/2011: Added the link to Layar Vision Best Practices webinar and uploaded a tutorial on how to create "Kitten Edition" Layar Vision demo layer.

14/09/2011: Added the Layar Vision webinar content. Developers can download them from here.

12/09/2011: Added a tutorial on how to implement user authentication in a layer.

05/09/2011: Added a tutorial on how to create a layer which returns both geo and vision POIs.

24/08/2011: Added a tutorial on how to create the Layar Vision demo layer.

18/08/2011: Added a new tutorial on how to create a simple vision layer.

15/08/2011: Updated the whole wiki to reflect getPOIs API v6.0 changes. Added two more links to Layar Vision Index page.

02/08/2011: Added developer documentation regarding Layar Vision, please use Layar Vision Index page to find all the resources you need.

25/07/2011: Enhanced the explanation on how to manage user authentication in a layer.

30/06/2011: Added the link to a third party tutorial on how to create an Augmented Reality iPhone app with Dapp and Layar Player SDK.

23/06/2011: Added a new tutorial on how to place POIs evenly relative to user's location.

14/06/2011: Added a new client specification regarding the maximum number of returned POIs.

08/06/2011: Added a new 3D modeling tutorial here.

17/05/2011: Added the technical documentation for the Layar Connect Publishing API.

02/05/2011: Changed the download link to the Layar 3d Model Converter to http://public.layar.com/downloads/Layar3DModelConverter.jnlp . See more information here.

14/04/2011: Added a general presentation which provides a good overview on the features that are supported in Layar.

06/04/2011: Added two .l3d models for testing purpose. They can be downloaded here.

06/04/2011: Added two third party tutorials on creating layers using hoppala and Ruby on Rails. See more third party tutorials and tools, please visit here.

15/03/2011: cleaned up old pages in the wiki environment.

11/03/2011: Updated the sign up to be a developer procedure. And, in order to make icons look nicer on high-resolution devices as well, the publishing site supports uploading high-res icons. For more, please see Edit a layer page.

21/02/2011: A new version of Layar3D model converter (2.3) is available. Please see Release Note to check out what's new in this update. 

07/02/2011: 5.0 beta client for Android is out! Download the beta client here and let us know what you think about it

28/01/2011: Added Layar client specification section which explains the expected client behaviors within the Layar clients. 

27/01/2011: Added the documentation for Layar Player on IPhone.

03/01/2011: Layar v4.0 in the App Store of IPhone platform. Please see Layar Release Note to check what's new in this release.







Comments (28)

Jonathan Belisle said

at 7:00 pm on Jul 15, 2009

This is going to be Great !!!

Dirk Groten said

at 8:46 am on Jul 16, 2009

Thanks Jonathan! By the way does anyone know how to add an anchor/hyperlink to other section within a page in PBWorks? I don't seem to be able to edit the HTML of the page...

Martijn said

at 10:56 am on Jul 16, 2009

Hi Dirk,

I can edit the HTML of PBworks pages but any manually added anchor tags seem to be removed upon saving the page.

Dirk Groten said

at 10:02 am on Jul 17, 2009

Martijn, that was exactly my problem. I just found out that adding a HTML/Javacript plugin to enter the anchor tag works. A bit cumbersome, but I can live with that :-)

Daniel Martinez Poladura said

at 12:20 am on Aug 1, 2009

I am excited about start developing!!!!

Toby said

at 11:12 am on Aug 3, 2009

Dear all fellow-LayAR-betas,

just wanted to say HI! I'm glad I can be among the first to try out another big leap forward for mobile AR for everyone! Hope we can share ideas, solutions to problems and possible cooperations here. Can't wait for the release and for my HERO to arrive. ;-)

All the best,

Toby. (www.augmented.org)

Julien Cheyssial said

at 3:02 pm on Aug 4, 2009

Today is the d-day. Just wanted to leave a small encouraging message as you probably are in a big rush to hold the deadline of August 4th.

Dirk Groten said

at 12:33 am on Aug 5, 2009

Thanks Toby and Julien. We met the deadline for those of you in the US, unfortunately for most of you in Europe it was around the last minutes of August 4th :-)

Lucas said

at 11:43 am on Aug 5, 2009

Is there in the APK also a layar version from the current "live" version? - so I can use the APK version to show friends how great Layar is?
Otherwise I always have to change versions if I want to show Layar...

Dirk Groten said

at 7:03 pm on Aug 5, 2009

@Lucas: The developer APK has 2 live layers for those of you in the Netherlands: Funda and ING.

erwblo said

at 11:41 pm on Aug 9, 2009

I had forgotten how ugly things wikis were ;-) But Layar is / will be good ;-)

denys.balatsko@... said

at 1:05 pm on Aug 11, 2009

Hi all! I have problem with getting developer key using 'Developer Key request form'. Is there any restrictions or nuances to be aware of? Request form is quite simple to make mistake but I can't get developer key on my request.

Dirk Groten said

at 1:43 pm on Aug 11, 2009

@denys: I've mailed you twice today regarding your request. Did you get any mail? Check your junk folder perhaps...

Daniel Martinez Poladura said

at 1:15 pm on Aug 12, 2009

All the programming crew from the company are in holidays!!! definitily Spain is Different!!!
I Whis they come back really tanned but wanting to work again!!

Lucas said

at 10:30 am on Aug 17, 2009

MrMovie is ready! See you later today!

aldo barba said

at 9:22 pm on Oct 26, 2009

Hi guys, i'm wondering in my position of sales man how can we have profit with this application when we create a lot of different layers? I know right now everything is free. I'm very familiar with this technology because i have the representation of D'fusion from Total Immersion since 2006 and was impossible for me to do a project. High prices for AR content creation.

If we create AR content using Layar how can we charge for it?

Tomas said

at 6:51 pm on Nov 22, 2009

I'm using php and mysql and having big trouble to declare UTF-8 support, the db is fine but if i put å or something in a line it only returns null. I'm really new to php.

Sascha Hendel said

at 11:29 am on Dec 3, 2009

Congratulations to the final release of 3.0!
Seems to be quite stable and most of my suggestions are implemented ;), Thanks!
I like the very new bird's view option. It's a nice solution for the problem, that horizontal objects on ground level are difficult to recognize (distortion). Up to now I set my objects in my dev layer out of this reason a bunch of meters below ground level. This is not necessary anymore.


Romeo M. Pedrera II said

at 7:24 pm on Dec 3, 2009

Hey Congratulation to LAYAR team and the rest of the dev who help make it happen. Its mostly what I need for a browser.


Yaniv said

at 5:06 pm on Jan 7, 2010

Hi, I want to develop application that uses info from other layers, is it possible to access other layers with the APK ? if not, how can I do it ?

saloc said

at 11:14 pm on Jan 8, 2010

Hi there.

Is it actually possible to get Layar working on the emulator? I tried a few months ago, and couldn't get the google apps installed, and eventually gave up. I'd really like to get it working though, while I wait for my phone, which may take ages.

Could anyone jot down the key steps?

Thanks a stack in advance..

AlexandreFett said

at 7:12 pm on Jan 18, 2010

Hi there,

When iPhone Layar will be avaliable again in Apple Store? Estimated date will be great...

Best regards

Arturo said

at 6:10 pm on Mar 27, 2010

hello, is there any APIs for blackberry Layar

Best regards

Ung said

at 7:51 am on Apr 7, 2010

Hi, everyone.

I'm interested in creating layers, actually I want to make own layer using lines not points.
Is it possible to implement lines in the layer app?
(I want to express underground facilites (such as gas, power line) in the layar app.)

Thanks in advance.

Dirk Groten said

at 11:19 am on Apr 12, 2010

Hi Ung,
We don't have anything specific to draw lines in Layar. However, you can create 3D objects, so you could make your lines using the 3D module. The difficulty is that you'll need to use the command-line interface to the .l3d model converter to create your 3D lines on the fly rather than manually create the objects in advance using the .l3d model converter.

mortgage said

at 8:35 pm on May 24, 2010

confuse about uh oh DNL..ha..ha ..ha...me neither,i can,t draw 3D object,confuse with some vector.

juan manuel said

at 9:15 am on May 26, 2010

Please, i need urgently to know for create my first layar, or colaborte, anybody help me?

william said

at 10:03 pm on Feb 9, 2011

Hello everyone, we are very happy fixe.vc of being the first to launch a layer (nordestaoimoveis) created by Brazilians, and look forward to the opportunities of this emerging market called augmented reality.

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