
3D model - opacity, blending and shader

Page history last edited by xuan wang 13 years ago


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In 3D model converter v3.0, we introduced a few more features namely opacity, blending and shader. We believe that these features will help create more realistic 3D effects in Layar. In this tutorial, we demonstrate a few cases where these features can be used. Please NOTE that these effects are only supported on Layar client v6.0 or above.


1. Opacity


The material color transparency can be changed using Opacity field. The Opacity value embedded in .obj/.mtl files will be prefilled if it is present. By default, the value is 1. With this feature, developers can create cut out effects, fade effects, etc. It is also helpful to reduce 3D model size since you can use material color to create transparent effect instead of using textures.


The Opacity field can be found under the "Materials" panel of the 3d model converter. The value range is between 0 and 1.


                                                                 screenshot 1 - Opacity settings


In the preview panel below, different material has different transparency effect.



                                                                 screenshot 2 - opacity in preview


2. Blending


when blending is enabled, it means that color value of this material is blended with the color of any other objects that are rendered behind it. If it is disabled, it means the objects that are rendered behind it are hidden from view. This can be used to merge virtual and real objects in a more natural way.


The blending feature can also be found under the Materials panel. 




3. Shader


The shader feature is provided for people who want to have full control of the lighting effects themselves instead of relying on the standard lighting in the AR view. In this case, developers can bake lighting effects into textures in the 3D modeling software. In the 3D model converter, choosing "nolighting" will disable the standard lighting effect in the AR view offered by the Layar client.



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